#redesign #APP #video-streaming-UX

Redesign Seamless Video Timeline Navigation for Security APP

My Role

Research & UX. Working with 1 developer & 1 UI designer for iOS & Android.


2-month project including QA process (2017Q4)

Smooth Video Navigation with AI-Powered Events

After the Umbo APP's MVP release in 2016, we received customer complaints about the timeline being "difficult" to use on the app. Through user studies, we identified that users desired an easy way to browse playback with our AI-powered events as references. Consequently, we redesigned the interactions to enable users to navigate the timeline seamlessly through intuitive swiping, moving, and hopping behaviors.

Old user interaction
Small-scaled timeline with slow swiping interaction. Functions are scattered, resulting in a learning curve for users.

New user interaction
Separated the playback view, featuring a larger and faster swiping interactive timeline for improved navigation with events.


User: “ the timeline is hard to use”

The Umbo APP MVP was launched alongside the 'SmartCloud' web portal for utilizing Umbo AI camera services in 2016. Eager to gather feedback from early adopters, their insights have driven the redesign and improvement of the APP.

What lies behind the complaints? Quick user interviews and discussions with our sales and customer support teams unveil the real stories.

“I want to browse the latest events quickly.”

Users are accustomed to exploring playback with AI events as “references”

How do users check “what happened” with current design? The Umbo APP has an 'event notification' page that consolidates all human intrusion AI alerts. Users can link to the playback from the event list, and we initially assumed this would be the primary method for checking events. However, delving deeper into how users integrate the APP into their daily lives, we recognized that playback exploration plays a crucial role in this scenario.

We found that even though AI can provide precise event notifications, there are many real-world situations where human judgment is needed to determine whether an event is "abnormal."

This judgment is based on individuals' past experiences, emotional considerations, and many aspects that AI could not help recognize yet. Therefore, allowing users the freedom to operate and explore while using AI as an assistant becomes crucial.


Introducing Umbo New Camera Timeline

Smoother Video Navigation with AI-Powered Events

Task-Focused Viewing

Isolate live view and playback for enhanced user focus on tasks.

AI-Precision Playback

Precision playback control with A.I. events as references, featuring faster swiping and providing instant, clear feedback on timeline interaction.

Intuitive Event Filtering

Simplify onboarding with streamlined event filtering settings and reorganized functions to smoothen the learning curve.